Very Brief Guitar Lessons for Wankers.
There are plenty of videos online where someone goes through a song, you pause, rewind, replay, and still don't get it. Guitar teacher (and genuine wanker) Barry Gilman of Guitarealm.com and Asher Black (struggling guitar student from Hell, and also a wanker) take on various songs, licks, and techniques at a pace you can enjoy.
Guitar Wankers – Episode 7 – Chasing the Perfect Tone – Pitfalls and Opportunities
What is tone? Can it be perfect? Barry Gilman and Asher Black
discuss the pursuit of tone, equipment obsession, and copying
other people’s tone.
To join other wankers in a learning community or for 1:1 lessons, visit Guitarealm.com
For more episodes, visit GuitarWankers.com
Guitar Wankers – Episode 6 – Continuity in Music vs. Rejecting the Old
In this episode of Guitar Wankers, Barry Gilman of Guitarealm.com discusses with Asher Black new and old concepts for music.
For online lessons, live 1:1 lessons, or a membership, visit guitarealm.com
Guitar Wankers – Episode 5 – Soloing Over Chords With Lead Guitar Bends
In this episode of the Guitar Wankers video podcast, Barry Gilman of Guitarealm.com demonstrates how to solo over chords with lead guitar bends.
For online lessons, live 1:1 lessons, or a membership, visit https://www.guitarealm.com
Guitar Wankers – Episode 4 – Adding Guitar Pick Scrapes to Your Playing
In this episode of Guitar Wankers, Bary Gilman demonstrates how to add pick scrapes to your playing.
For online lessons, live 1:1 lessons, or a membership, visit https://www.guitarealm.com.
Guitar Wankers – Episode 3 – Using Guitar Hammer Ons
In the third episode of the Guitar Wankers video podcast, Barry Gilman of Guitarealm.com demonstrates how to perform hammer-ons on the electric guitar.
This episode is in lower resolution than we expect, but we thought it more fun (and wankerish) to go live with it than hit ‘delete’ because it’s a little grainy. Eat your grain—it’s good for you!
Guitar Wankers – Episode 2 – Performing Guitar Pull-Offs
In the second episode of the Guitar Wankers video podcast, Barry Gilman of Guitarealm.com demonstrates how to perform pull-offs on electric guitar.
For online lessons, live 1:1 lessons, or a membership, visit guitarealm.com
This episode is in lower resolution than we expect, but we thought it more fun (and wankerish) to go live with it than hit ‘delete’ because it’s a little grainy. Eat your grain—it’s good for you!
Guitar Wankers – Episode 1 – Executing Slides on the Guitar
In this (the first) episode of the Guitar Wankers video podcast, Barry Gilman of Guitarealm.com demonstrates how to perform flawless slides on the electric guitar.
For online lessons, live 1:1 lessons, or a membership, visit guitarealm.com
This episode is in lower resolution than we expect, but we thought it more fun (and wankerish) to go live with it than hit ‘delete’ because it’s a little grainy. Eat your grain—it’s good for you!
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